Posted by: twotrees | April 24, 2020

Hunger Games


When was the last time you said to a friend ‘I’m starving…’?
Do we even know what starving feels like? I don’t and I don’t think anyone I know does either. But every day there are over 100 million people worldwide that are beyond food insecure – they’re on the verge of starving. Now, according to the UN’s World Food Program, an additional 130 million more humans could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic.

This should be unacceptable to everyone yet not enough attention is being paid to this situation. In Ventura County, where I live, estimates are that 75,000 people go to bed each night food insecure. And now we’re seeing lines of cars miles long across America waiting for a box of food from their local food bank.

In Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs pyramid, food and shelter are top priorities. Much has been said about the lack of housing in many parts of the country but not enough is being said about the lack of food.  Both here, there and everywhere.

There’s a good piece about the worldwide situation in today’s New York Times. We should address this issue before it’s too late. We’re getting close that that point now.

Read the piece here:

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